huhu!even aq xtaw nk start cmner..
cz byk sgt bnd jd..
tp aq xderk tyme nk post...
but 2day kne start jgk..
aq cut off la bnd lps2 tuh..
kre mei pny da off case kot??
xderk story langsung on may..
awl2 jun ari 2 mostly UniKL's student digemparkn dgn brite result da kua..
tengs 2 aten gtaw aq...
aq pny la down tgk result aq...
aq xtaw pehal..
result ok..better then b4 but then aq stll xpuas at...
myb sbb aq xdean kot...
tp slh snirik kot..
myb usehe xckp...
da bes sal result...
next sal problem aq..
ngn parents aq...
aq sgt pressure start ngn papa aq je...
jap g mama lg smbh petrol kt uma terbakar...hush!!
mama lgik rs cam mangse keadaan!!!!
punca dye stu je...MISUNDERSTANDING!!!!!
n sume org tetap ego msg2 xnk ngaku slh!!
wht the fish dow!!crap gler!!aq sgt marah!
tp now da ok la..
5 June??peace!
a very gud day 2 remember....
myb there is no words other then "thankx" a lot..
hope we r strong till the end of tyme...
SeVeNth....PPR Sri Semarak! drve snirik trn kl
ari lps rndoo kt family angkat aq...
ibu peluk aq kuat gler..
al0ng bsing lak aq xgtaw dye...
y len ok jeh...
ibu soh aq tdow ctu..
tp aq ade tanggungjawab len y perlu aq settle kn..
two things happen in one tyme??
no comment!
yesterday[mid valley]
the whole day!!!
whoa??gle lame..
pnt gler la..
smlm aq bwk adek2 aq jalan..
sbb mama n papa aq outstation...
adk aq 2 org y plg kcik 2 bwu knl Bowling...
condition xlarat angkat bola tp memakse diri..
(ngee!!semangat btol!!1st tyme la katekn..)
tp stock msk longkang jeh sume...
second game aq lwn ngn big bro aq..lie..
aq klh 24 points ngn dye...
huhu..strike smp tade pn...
tOdAy lol..blk KL..
sgt bengang ngn mama kne tgu 3 jam!!
tnpe wat ape2!rs sgt buang mase..
but then aq cpt cool...
smp plaza rah ltk brg trs blah..
jmpe cousin aq ktorg g tgk cte 17 again!
besh dow..
aq blk tdik..
dunno how to say bout it..
i juz make thngs clear!
i hope so..
then we having our late dinner kt gerai blkng uma jeh..
then go home n start posting this..
i hv 2 go 2 ibu's house act..
but i hv alot of thngs 2 b settled!
so i'm not going..
feelin' guilty..
"Semoga hari esok adalah lebih baik dari hari ini..
Semoga hari2 mendatang lebih baik dari hari sebelumny..amin!"
mood:sgt pnt lgik pressure!!
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
5 days ago
fuhh sume stori ko gabung lam satu entri..sungguh setail nih..hehe
btw, jgn tensen2 ng family ko ok..
n keep smiling smpe sume org pelik.. :)
*cuti ko sgguh meriah..tgk aku, dok uma jek..hak3
ala..tu r dier shaz..xmaw ajak aus kua..
sob sob =(
2 aKmA : ngee..tengs dow..
hak2!!byk ko pny stail..
saban hari aq tguk nk post..
meriah keh?
feel like org gilak da rs..
2 oShIe..: abes..
aus mner igt org da..
tah kt mner2 je skunk neh..
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