huhu...gler lame da aq xupdate...bwu ari ni tergerak nk update....act b4 this pn aq ade gak nk post...byk mende kot y jd..start dr program homestay kt jerlun with new experience...then trip g berinchang with full of sweet memories..tengs 2 all group 6 members...till oc pny training kt xley challenge An-Naim pny kem r...smp la orientation week...but then sume story 2 da rs rmai2 pn member2 da update blog dorg storg sal all those thngs...nway abes mengimbau kesah lalu...story ari ney sgt xbest!!!damn xbest!walaupn td aq g tgk cter 'The Proposal' td ok jeh..when it comes 2 sumthng happen...adoyai...nta xtaw na ckp pn ta phm snanye...mungkin aq y xfaham plan or else plan 2 y huru hare smp aq ta phm??ntala hope mlm jap g bley wat aq hepi...wuhuu...k words 2 sat anymore..ade tyme ade mud nnt aq continue...
Terpaling Green Day?
3 days ago